The Christmas carol “What Child Is This?” tells of the humble birth of our Savior and the many visitors who came from near and far, bearing gifts for their King. Keep reading to learn about the story behind the song. Then download the free PDF of the lyrics and sing along with this song of adoration.
“What Child Is This?” Lyrics
What Child is this, who, laid to rest,
On Mary’s lap is sleeping?
Whom angels greet with voices sweet,
While shepherds watch are keeping?
This, this is Christ, the King,
Whom shepherds guard and angels sing:
Haste, haste to bring Him laud,
The Babe, the Son of Mary!
So bring Him incense, gold, and myrrh,
Come, peasant, king to own Him.
The King of kings salvation brings;
Let loving hearts enthrone Him.
Raise, raise a song on high,
The virgin sings her lullaby.
Joy, joy, for Christ is born,
The Babe, the Son of Mary.
What Child is this, who, laid to rest
On Mary’s lap, is sleeping?
Sing along with our illustrated video of this Christmas carol of adoration found on The Good and the Beautiful Kids YouTube channel.
The Story Behind the Lyrics of “What Child Is This?”
Throughout the Bible, God put everyday people into unusual situations to accomplish extraordinary things! In the Old Testament, Moses, Joseph, Jonah, David, Esther, and many others did great works for the Lord. Then in the New Testament, Jesus chose twelve ordinary men as His disciples. God continues to use each of us to carry out His work today.
In 1866 William Chatterton Dix was an ordinary man living in Glasgow, Scotland. There was nothing special about his childhood in Bristol, England nor his work as an insurance manager as an adult. One day he fell terribly ill and was bedridden for months. Depressed and hopeless, he found comfort in the Bible. Reading scripture, writing poetry, and praying fervently changed his outlook and his life.
He slowly recovered and returned to his insurance work. With an intense love for the Bible and for writing, he began penning poems expressing his devotion to the Lord. He kept many of his poems tucked away at home, but one stood out: a poem titled “What Child Is This?”

Finding a Fitting Melody
While Dix was skilled with words, he was not musically gifted. He wanted a melody that matched the humbleness of the babe born in a manger, surrounded by animals, shepherds, kings, an angel, and the gifts they brought. But he knew the melody also needed to express the splendor of God’s gift to us that night—Jesus!
The sixteenth century melody “Greensleeves” was the perfect fit. “Greensleeves” was already a familiar Christmas tune. Once paired together, his poem “What Child Is This?” was soon sung in churches throughout the United Kingdom and beyond. It has since been published in more than 200 hymnals.
Click on the image to download a beautifully illustrated PDF of “What Child Is This?”

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This is such a beautiful hymn! Love this!
Absolutely beautiful song! Love everything good and beautiful!
Hands down my favorite!! ♥️♥️
Beautiful story 🎄❤️