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Language Arts: Kindergarten Prep
Each child in your household will need his or her own course book. Everything you need comes in the course book including 15 punch pages in the Appendix. The course book tells you when to remove the pages and play the games.
The child is ready for the Kindergarten Prep course when he or she knows all the letters and the most common sound of each letter but does not have them solidly mastered and/or cannot yet identify all letters as either uppercase or lowercase.
Not necessarily. If a child has completely mastered all the letters and their sounds (including short and long vowel sounds), can sing the alphabet, and can sound out short, simple two- and three-letter words, he or she is ready to begin the Level K course. Children who use the Kindergarten Prep course will be better prepared for the speed of the Level K course.
All the songs used in this course are available on the Homeschool app.