
4th of July Coloring Pages

Free Printable 4th of July Coloring Pages! 

Enjoy these beautiful illustrations made into patriotic 4th of July coloring pages, available only from The Good and the Beautiful. Keep reading to learn more about this US national holiday with some Declaration of Independence and 4th of July fun facts! 

Parade coloring page!
Fireworks coloring page!
US history coloring page!
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Purchase a copy of our US Constitution and Government Course or a of the US Constitution Activity Book to find more fun coloring pages and activities!

The United States celebrates Independence Day on the 4th of July. The country’s founders had varied backgrounds, but all had two things in common: they were influenced by Christian ideals and they possessed rock-solid dedication to a free America. 

Their perseverance and faith led to the founding of a great nation and many personal freedoms Americans cherish today. The Declaration of Independence, adopted on July 4, 1776, is this nation’s cornerstone document.

Did you know? 
4th of July Facts

  • On September 1, 1775, King George III of Great Britain refused the colonists’ Olive Branch Petition which was trying to establish peace. The king instead declared the colonists to be rebels who must surrender or be executed.

  • In January 1776 Thomas Paine published a pamphlet called Common Sense, which outlined in plain words why America should declare independence from Great Britain.

  • Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence over the course of two weeks, after which the committee made changes before its final approval. 
  • The Declaration of Independence listed 27 charges against the king to prove that he had tried to establish tyranny over the states.
  • On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress officially approved the Declaration of Independence. The official copy, written on parchment, was signed on August 2, 1776.

  • The Declaration of Independence can be separated into five sections: the introduction, the Preamble, the list of grievances, the denunciation of Britain, and the conclusion.
Photograph of Declaration of Independence - 1A
  • The mention in the Declaration of Independence is the first time the country was formally called “The United States of America.”

  • The newly established independent country was then declared in the conclusion of the document to be governed by free and independent states (granting the states full power). According to the text, the states are able to “levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do.” 

There is so much more to learn about US history and the country’s founding story. To read or print the full Declaration of Independence text, visit our blog post here. Learn the history of the US flag at this link.

Don’t forget to download the FREE 4th of July coloring pages! 

Learn more about the 4th of July and the Declaration of Independence with these interesting facts from our US Constitution and Government Course.

Our unique US Constitution and Government Course immerses families in the principles of freedom and history leading to the creation of the US Constitution.

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  • Rachelle Rose

    Thank you for these 4th of July coloring pages! No better way to celebrate our freedoms than by a beautiful picture 🥹♥️🙏🏼🇺🇸

  • Cara Thomas

    We used this as part of our discussion on Independence Day last week! Loved the coloring pages to keep our hands busy while we discussed this important piece of history! Thank you for such great resources!

  • Lucy Forrester

    My kids had a blast with the coloring sheets again this July 4th and fun facts. Thank you again for your amazing resources!

  • Lucy Forrester

    My kids had a blast with the coloring sheets again this year and the fun facts. Thank you for the great resources!

  • Jenn Thompson

    We love discussing our great nation’s history in our home! Fun coloring pages make it even better! Thank you!