
How to Organize a Homeschool Day

Having a well-thought-out plan for your homeschool day is imperative to having a peaceful home and homeschool. Finding a schedule and plan that works for your family doesn’t have to be difficult! Join Ashley Nielsen, a Vice President at The Good and the Beautiful as she explores a few simple principles and steps that are sure to help every single homeschool family with their homeschool schedules. To watch more helpful videos like this one, subscribe to our YouTube channel. We have so much to share with you that we hope will encourage and bless your families!

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  • Bee

    We don’t homeschool in the summer.

  • Kelly

    I love these videos! We follow a traditional schedule for our school year normally, but because of some trips we’ve planned this year, we will only take 1 month off during the summer instead of 2 1/2. We are like you, all the friends and fun events are just too tempting to make school consistent during the summer.

    In the weeks to come, we are going to try doing chores in the morning before school rather than in the afternoon. A sense of accomplishment first thing in the morning may be helpful for us.

  • Abby

    This was not at all what I expected when I read the title, and I’m so grateful! Thank you for helping me feel validated in the way we organize our homeschool day and for helping me see that our organizational style is more common than I thought. This is the first time I’ve felt good after hearing about homeschool organization rather than defeated or like I’m doing it wrong because we’re not “typical”. It turns out what I thought was typical isn’t so typical after all.

  • Shannon

    Loved this! Thanks!

  • Addie

    Great video…thank you!

    We take time off in the summer, but actually begin our school year towards the end of July, so that we can finish up in April. In this way we can focus on getting the garden in and prepping the property and critters for summer production. We do 5 school days in 4, leaving the 5th day for sports, music lessons, etc. Oddly enough, my children rise early. They are up at 5:45 (their choice) in order to see their dad off to work and begin the school day. They prefer an early start, so they have more time for hobbies and work projects. I get up at 5, in order to be dressed and ready for the day, before they come down. The littlest guys are 5 and 7. They often sleep later, but everyone else, ages 9, 11, 13, and 14, wake on their own and start their school day independently. To be honest, I wish they’d sleep later (haha), but since my husband’s work schedule has him leaving at 6 and home by 4:30, our days are early to bed and early to rise.