
Kindergarten Subtraction Worksheets

Looking for some extra kindergarten subtraction worksheets? We have you covered!

Download and print this free packet of kindergarten worksheets for extra subtraction practice for the young learners in your family. These colorful and fun math activities are available only on The Good and the Beautiful Blog!

Kindergarten Math Curriculum

Second, be sure to check out our Simply Good and Beautiful Math K. This homeschool kindergarten math course is simple to teach and affordable and provides an overall strong math foundation.  

Math K sample page
Math K Course Set
Math K sample page

The parent-led lessons in Math K are just the right length for young students and contain fun games and activities. Then, use the free subtraction worksheets for extra practice!

Don’t forget to download your free kindergarten subtraction worksheets!

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  • Christie Collins

    I’m going to have my 6 yr old do these. I’m trying to be patience while the other grades come out. I’m so excited.

  • Nancy White

    First I would like to say how good & beautiful your curriculum is especially the simply math, I love how you all incorporate real life and necessary things, like the calendar. It’s surprising how many companies don’t touch on that for the beginning years.

    My question is I would like the option to reinforce concepts being taught in the lessons, are you all going to continue releasing worksheets via email? I’m one of the families that like the option to add more practice where needed. I would definitely purchase a practice work book to build on the skills.

    Anyhow, great job on keeping education gentle yet knowledge based!

    • Customer Support

      Thank you for your kind words, Nancy! We’re so glad that you find the value in our units! There are 2 resources that will be available soon that fit the description of what you are seeking, Anteater Addition and Snowy Owl Subtraction. These single-player or two-plater games will help children with their fact practice and offer something different than the worksheets. These games will be available on our website in the near future, here: https://www.goodandbeautiful.com/products/math-k-course-set-simply-good-and-beautiful-math/

  • amanda

    I am looking for the Anteater Addition and Snowy Owl Subtraction downloads. I purchased Math 2 and the overview suggested them if the child needs more practice? Where can I find this resource?

    • Customer Support

      Thank you for your interest in our new Simply Good and Beautiful Math products! Anteater Addition and Snowy Owl Subtraction have not yet been released and we do not have an estimate at this time for when they will be available. Please check back again soon for an update. You can find the resources on this page of our website: Simply Good and Beautiful Math Resources

  • Courtney

    Hi! I’m trying to find if you have additional practice sheets for other levels as well. We would like to find some that align with your lessons.