This delightful collection of nature poetry for kids includes 22 poems that are available in a free, printable PDF download. However, some of our favorite poems are shared below for you to read right away!
Above all, continue to share great literature and poetry with your children to increase their knowledge and appreciation of good and beautiful things.

Free Poems About Nature for Kids
The Wind Came Running
Ivy O. Eastwick
The Wind came running
over the sand,
It caught and held me
by the hand.
It curled and whirled
and danced with me
Down to the edge
of the dashing sea.
We danced together,
the Wind and I,
To the cry of a gull
and a wild sea cry.
Little Talk
Aileen Fisher
Don’t you think it’s probable
That beetles, bugs, and bees
Talk about a lot of things—
You know, such things as these:
The kind of weather where they live
In jungles tall with grass
And earthquakes in their villages
Whenever people pass!
Of course, we’ll never know if bugs
Talk very much at all,
Because our ears are far too big
For talk that is so small.

How the Flowers Grow
Gabriel Setoun
This is how the flowers grow.
I have watched them and I know:
First, above the ground is seen
A tiny blade of purest green,
Reaching up and peeping forth
East and west, and south and north.

Then the sunbeams find their way
To the sleeping bud and say,
“We are children of the sun
Sent to wake thee, little one.”
And the leaflet opening wide
Shows the tiny bud inside,
Peeping with half-opened eye
On the bright and sunny sky.
Breezes from the west and south
Lay their kisses on its mouth;
Till the petals all are grown,
And the bud’s a flower blown.
Out in the Fields
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The little cares that fretted me,
I lost them yesterday
Among the fields above the sea,
Among the winds at play,
Among the lowing of the herds,
The rustling of the trees;
Among the singing of the birds,
The humming of the bees.
The foolish fears of what might happen
I cast them all away
Among the clover-scented grass,
Among the new-mown hay;
Among the husking of the corn,
Where drowsy poppies nod,
Where ill thoughts die and good are born
Out in the fields with God.

Who Loves the Trees Best?
Alice May Douglas
Who loves the trees best?
“I,” said the Spring;
“Their leaves so beautiful
To them I bring.”
Who loves the trees best?
“I,” Summer said;
“I give them blossoms,
White, yellow, red.”
Who loves the trees best?
“I,” said the Fall;
“I give luscious fruits,
Bright tints to all.”
Who loves the trees best?
“I love them best,”
Harsh Winter answered;
“I give them rest.”

Grasshopper Green
Grasshopper Green is a comical chap;
He lives on the best of fare,
Bright little trousers, jacket and cap,
These are his summer wear.
Out in the meadow he loves to go,
Playing away in the sun;
It’s hopperty, skipperty, high and low,
Summer’s the time for fun.
Grasshopper Green has a quaint little house;
It’s under the hedge so gay.
Grandmother Spider, as still as a mouse,
Watches him over the way.
Gladly he’s calling the children, I know,
Out in the beautiful sun;
It’s hopperty, skipperty, high and low,
Summer’s the time for fun.

Four Ducks on a Pond
William Allingham
Four ducks on a pond,
A grass bank beyond,
A blue sky of spring,
White clouds on the wing
What a little thing
To remember for years
To remember with tears.
Ivy O. Eastwick
Sing a song of yellow!
Yellow is the bee,
Golden, dusty fellow,
Pollened to the knee.
Yellow is the honey
Of every pretty flower,
And yellow, yellow, yellow
Is the honeysuckle bower.
Tiny Things
Marie Kreischer
I saw some tiny, little things,
Some hummingbirds with gauzy wings.
I heard some wondrous tiny things,
I heard a bird sing to me
A tiny lifting melody.

For more great poetry and literature, visit our unique collection of original titles and reprinted classics in The Good and the Beautiful Library. Similarly, there are many resources on the Good and the Beautiful Book List website available to help families on their reading adventures.
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This is great! Adding to our morning basket!